About the Tour
Why we do it, who are the crew, and what could you expect!
Enjoying Beautiful Eorzea, Together
We fell in love with the Eorzean landscape while putting on multiple Hide and Seek events! We soon realized that there are so many places which quite a lot of people do not know. Those place are beautiful.. really beautiful.
We've noticed that most people rarely ever visit the old maps anymore.. When they do, they just casually fly around on their mount, or beeline to their destination. This game has a lot of beautiful landscapes, and we hope to share the joy of exploring it with you.

Kael Ornitier@Tonberry
Tour Guide

Duns Mordio@Tonberry
Tour Guide

Space Nemorensis@Tonberry
Tour Guide

Reina Valentine@Kujata
Tour Guide

Niko Sonnenblume@Aegis

Carryme Jepsen@Gungnir
Chocobo Caretaker

Adventure & Experience
We are committed to finding beautiful vistas and locations which will marvel your eyes! Additionally, our Tour Guide will also provide lore and trivia information related to the destination. We can take pictures too.. albeit it's bad :p
We hope your journey won't be dull in our presence!
Safety First
Our Tour Guides are certified Warriors of Light who have been slaying primals left and right, oh and have also saved the world multiple times.
We will be protecting you from environmental hazards and monsters if your character level is too low!